
Find out about us

The churches of the Deanery are listed below.

Clicking on the church name will take you to their website.

If you want to know which parish a place is in you mighy like to look at the Church of England website called A Church Near You. 

The following is a schematic map showing the relative positions of the churches of the Deanery and in some cases indicating relationships between them.


In March 2020 Paul Wright sent this email. It is produced here to enable parishes to comply with his instructions.

Dear all,

I had cause to check a church service time and was disappointed by the lack of ‘front of house’ statement about safeguarding

There should be a clear statement on the home page – referring to another link is NOT good enough

You may have a drop down link or something similar but people should not have to go hunting NOR will referring to Diocesan or Church of England polices do the trick

Below is a simple but good example



As a church we take our safeguarding responsibilities very seriously and we are committed to ensuring our church and hall buildings are safe places for all.  If you have any concerns about safeguarding you can contact our Parish Safeguarding Officer, Mrs XXX - tel: xxxxxxx or email:

This church has a drop down section entitled SAFEGUARDING at the top alongside SERVICES – MINISTRY – HALLS - EVENTS

Would everyone reading this please check and ‘challenge’

Many thanks


Rev'd Alan Keeler